Amber teething necklaces are designed to be worn by babies when they are teething. These are necklaces strung with amber beads and designed to help with teething pain. Usually Baltic amber is used in production, since this amber is considered to have the most healing properties. The common belief is that the child’s body heats the amber, causing it to release oils containing succinic acid. The succinic acid, in theory, gets absorbed into the bloodstream, helping to easy baby’s pain. Many believe that placing raw Baltic amber in contact with the skin boosts the body’s natural levels of succinic acid. Like any natural remedies, there’s a large leap of faith required and a complete lack of clinical trials into many of the mechanisms of succinic acid and amber as a natural pain remedy. On the one hand, raw amber has been used for thousands of years to relieve pain and countless parents swear to its effectiveness in relieving teething pain in their children. On the other hand, there is zero scientific evidence or trials that have examined whether or not succinic acid reduces pain or if contact with bare skin is enough to absorb succinic acid from amber.
Popular worldwide
Amber teething necklace popularity is growing, with many parents looking for a natural way to help soothe teething pain for babies and toddlers.
Where amber teething necklaces come from?
Nearly all amber teething necklaces are made from Baltic Amber, which is fossilized resin from the sap of conifer trees. The Baltic region is so well known for its amber deposits, they’re sometimes referred to as “Baltic gold.” Other forms of amber from other regions of the world also exist, though Baltic amber is known for having higher levels of succinic acid. You don’t want amber teething necklace from just anywhere. You want the amber to come from the Baltic region, because amber from that region has been has been tested to show higher rates of succinic acid than anywhere else. The difference is important and you should only buy Baltic amber teething beads made from amber collected in the true Baltic nations — Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia.
Do amber teething necklaces work?
Although, there is no scientific evidence, that amber teething necklaces help with babies teething pain, the reviews from such reliable marketplaces as Etsy, eBay, Amazon, etc. makes you think differently.
What is the standard size?
Length 32-33cm (approximately 12.5 inches)
Average weight of baby necklace
4-6 grams. Super lightweight.
What it is made of?
Genuine Baltic amber beads in various shapes, durable nylon cord, plastic twist clasp. Amber beads are non-toxic and 100% natural material. All amber necklaces are made of Baltic Amber which is a fossilized resin from the sap of conifer trees.
Colors of amber
Baltic amber comes in a variety of colors, including white, yellow, brown, black, red, green, and blue. The kind you’ll most often find for teething necklaces is brown/orange and milky. Blue and green amber, caused by gas and inclusions, is rare and thus highly valuable – too valuable for teething necklaces.
Why RAW amber teething necklaces are better
Raw, unpolished amber is the way nature intended it to be. Raw amber contains the highest levels of succinic acid (up to 8%), which can naturally help quell inflammatory processes in the body. Nature has always intended us to use amber in raw form.

Polished amber does contain succinic acid and still could relieve some pain but raw amber is the untreated and unprocessed form of amber that is highest in succinic acid. Some believe that lighter colored Baltic amber contains more succinic acid than darker colored amber but there’s no science to back that up. All colors of raw Baltic amber should have roughly the same levels of succinic acid.
Can my baby wear an amber necklace while she sleeps?
Magic ingredient: succinic acid
Succinic acid (butanedioic acid) is a dicarboxylic acid that occurs naturally in plant and animal tissues. The chemical is also known as “Spirit of Amber.”
Please read full article .
Safety tips
Children should always be closely supervised when wearing an amber teething necklace. Teething necklaces (amber or otherwise) should not be worn overnight or be used if children fidget and grab at them constantly or chew them. Removing a raw amber teething necklace at night and closely supervising your child while they wear it will erase the vast majority of possible safety issues.
Where to buy?
When shopping for an amber teething necklace, stick to merchants who clearly state the source of their amber and select a raw Baltic amber teething necklace in order to maximize potential pain relief. www.Amberizon.com
How to care
Cleaning and maintaining tips. Baltic Amber is extremely sensitive to chemicals so it is important to avoid contact with chemicals, including perfumes, creams, lotions, sprays, shampoo, conditioner, chlorine, etc. Remove your amber when bathing.
Baby necklace vs baby bracelet or baby anklet
As an alternative, baby can also wear a bracelet / anklet version or the necklace wrapped around his wrist or ankle.