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Why Baltic amber?
Top 5 reasons why Baltic amber is the best type of amber.
Tests to identify a true amber
Tests to Determine Amber Authenticity: Smell Tests Smell tests are effective because natural amber has a specific smell, which is difficult to obtain when producing falsifications. After heating real Baltic amber diffuses a specific delicate fragrance of pine-tree resins. Odours, diffused by falsifications: copal – smell of “sweet” resins, all others – smell of burnt…
Succinic acid
The main healing material of amber is succinic acid, which helps the body to fight against diseases. The mentioned material is present in the body of each living creature (human, animal, plant). About 200 mg of succinic acid is produced daily in human body, which is immediately consumed. It is a natural biostimulant, involved in…

What is amber?
So, what is amber? Real amber is technically not a gemstone or mineral, but instead is fossilized sap from prehistoric trees that grew as far back as almost fifty million years ago, primarily in Scandinavia and elsewhere around the Baltic Sea. It is generally accepted that the amber from the Baltic region is the world’s…

Benefits of Baltic amber
Health Benefits of Baltic amber
Baltic amber colors
Baltic amber is usually yellow, bright yellowish. Its colour varies from white, yellow to brown, red. There is also green, blue, gray, even black amber. Baltic amber is usually yellow, bright yellowish. Its colour varies from white, yellow to brown, red. There is also green, blue, gray, even black amber. There are even more subtle…